Undergraduate Pharmacy Placements

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 21st June 2024

University of Reading students

University of Reading are looking for Community Pharmacies to host undergraduate students as part of their placements during their course.

The role of community pharmacists has rapidly expanded in recent years, improving patient outcomes and safety, as well as many clinical services. It’s important for students to experience these.

The students can assist in various activities whilst on placement using their theoretical knowledge taught at university.

Each placement is fully funded through the clini-cal placement tariff at a rate of £137 per week per student. The number of students per placement site is determined by the placement provider.

The placement dates for 2024-2025

Year 1: 2 week placement week beginning 17th February 2025

Year 2: 2 Week placements week beginning 11th November 2024 & 28th April 2025

Year 3: 2 Week placements week beginning 21st October 2024 & 10th March 2025

Year 4: 6 Week placements week beginning 20th January 2025

For more information or to offer placements email:

  • mpharm.placements@reading.ac.uk

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