TEXT reminder service provided by CPSC

Written by admin on Friday 21st July 2023

Community pharmacies within Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth can sign-up for the 'FREE to you' reminder service

A reminder to all pharmacies and pharmacists. If you are signed up to the Text Reminder Service, have you changed pharmacy or registered mobile number? Please make sure you are registered to the right pharmacy and with the correct mobile number by completing the sign up form if there have been changes. 

If you are not currently signed up but would like to you can join at any time.

CPSC use the 'FireText' SMS  sending platform to send deadline reminders to pharmacy contractors that have signed up to receive messages. The small cost to provide will be paid by CPSC and hence there is no additional cost to each pharmacy participating.

Action required to sign-up:

Each community pharmacy (within the CPSC area) is entitled to register ONE mobile telephone number to receive incoming reminder messages.

Please provide details required for your pharmacy on the following CPSC website page:

* Further details (including FireText Privacy Policy are available on the website page above)