Using Accurx in Pharmacy Operations

Written by ArturPysz on Thursday 18th July 2024

AccuRx can be used for free by Community Pharmacy, see what current users had to say


In our pharmacy, we have integrated the use of Accurx into our daily operations. This powerful tool has become an essential part of our workflow, particularly in sending reminders for prescription collection and handling referral prescription queries to GPs.

Key Features and Benefits

Accurx offers a range of features that streamline our operations:

  1. Patient Demographic Details: Accurx provides readily available patient demographic details, which simplifies the process of identifying and communicating with patients.

  2. Patient-Specific Texts: With Accurx, we can send patient-specific texts to GPs, enhancing the communication between the pharmacy and the GP’s office.

  3. Batch Texting: Accurx allows us to send texts in batches, a feature that proves to be time-efficient when dealing with a large number of patients.

  4. Bulk Texting: The bulk text feature enables us to send out mass messages, such as general announcements or reminders, to all our patients.

  5. Video Consultation: Accurx also supports video consultations, a feature that has been invaluable during instances when patients are unable to visit the pharmacy in person.

Areas for Improvement

While Accurx has significantly improved our operations, there are a few areas that could benefit from further refinement:

  1. Patient Search: Currently, the system requires both the NHS number and the Date of Birth to search for a patient. Simplifying this process could enhance user experience.

  2. Text Sending Process: The process of sending a text involves a few steps that could be streamlined. For instance, integrating a scan-and-text feature could make the process more efficient.

  3. Conversation Trail: Accurx currently does not provide a conversation trail. Having this feature could improve the tracking of communication history with patients.

We are optimistic that with these improvements, Accurx can become an even more powerful tool in pharmacy operations.