CPHIOW Service Checklists
Our aim is to enable greater transparency with respect to CPHIOWs decision making with respect to service commissioning.
The RAG (red, amber & green) rating review is performed and agreed by the CPSC Services sub-committee for each newly proposed or re-commissioned service
The Service Checklist provides guidance and/or recommendations to contractors on whether to participate in each service. It reflects the key questions that are asked and assessed by the CPHIOW Service sub-committee with regard to the proposed service.
Each criteria question is RAG graded with comments made where appropriate. Once completed the overall service proposal is then RAG rated with respect to the CPHIOWs recommendation for participation and support of the service as follows:
- Green - fully recommend and suggest participation by all pharmacies.
- Amber - recommend but aware that some reservations, pharmacies will need to assess willingness to participate individually.
- Red - not recommended and suggest pharmacies do not participate.
The overall RAG rating is shown on the front page together with any recommendations that the LPC would like to be considered for revision prior to commissioning. There is a section below this for the commissioner to reply and respond to any points raised to the Professional Services Development Manager.
The next step is to publish each 'Service Checklist’ to our pharmacy contractors 10 days (or another suitably agreed time period) after sending to the commissioner. We ask that a prompt response is made by the commissioner to us, and we make appropriate amendments to the checklist where revision has been negotiated and agreed.
Finally the service checklist is posted on our website and emailed directly to all applicable contractors, showing on the front page:
- overall CPHIOW service rating.
- recommendations that CPHIOW asked to be considered for revision prior to commissioning.
- Commissioners response to the recommendations.
- Frimley ICS Flu Antiviral Checklist 2024
- Inclusion IOW Supervised Consumption Checklist 2024
- HIOW ICB Palliatice Care Checklist 2023
- Inclusion Supervised Consumption Checklist 2023
- Inclusion Needle Exchange Checklist 2023
- Frimley Palliative care checklist 2023
- HCC smoking checklist 2023
- IOW smoking checklist 2023
- Concordance 3 Checklist PICB 2023
- Concordance Level 1 2 PICB checklist 2023
- MAS Checklist PICB 2023
- Smoking Cessation SCC Checklist 2023
- Frimley ICS UTI Checklist 2022
- Smoking Cessation Southampton city council
- Needle Exchange Southampton CC Checklist 2022
- Soton CC Supervised Consumption Checklist 2022
- EHC SCC checklist 2022_FINAL
- Ports CCG MAS Checklist 2022
- NEH Ondansetron Checklist 2021
- IOW smoking cessation checklist 2021
- Lateral Flow Device COVID testing, IOW CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Lateral Flow Device COVID Testing, Hampshire CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Lateral Flow Device COVID Testing, Portsmouth CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Lateral Flow Device COVID Testing, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- NRT Voucher Supply, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Flu vaccinations employees, Portsmouth CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Flu vaccinations employees, Hampshire CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Champix, Hampshire Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- NRT Voucher Supply, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, Portsmouth CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, West Hampshire CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Impetigo Service, IOW CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- ONPOS, North Hampshire CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, North Hampshire CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Supervised Consumption, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- EHC, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Smoking Cessation, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Needle Exchange, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- NHS Health Check, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Alcohol Identification & Brief Advice, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Pharmacy First & PGDs, IOW CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, Fareham & Gosport CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, South Eastern Hampshire CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- ONPOS, South Eastern Hampshire CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Just in Case Palliative Care, IOW CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- ONPOS, North East Hampshire & Farnham CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- ONPOS, Fareham & Gosport CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, North East Hampshire & Farnham CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- EHC, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Palliative Care, Southampton City CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- EHC, Hampshire Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Supervised Consumption, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec v2
- Needle & Syringe Programme, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec v2
- Alcohol Screening, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- Supervised Consumption, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- Needle Exchange, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- BBV Testing, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- Supervised Consumption, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Needle Exchange, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- MyCiP Service, Sussex Partnership NHS FT | Checklist - Service Spec
- BP & Pulse Screening Service, Frimley Health ICS | Checklist - Service Spec
- Minor Ailments, Southampton CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Hepatitis C Testing Pilot, University of Southampton | Checklist - Service Spec
- Smoking Cessation, Southampton CC | Checklist - Service Spec
- Take Home Naloxone Kit, Portsmouth Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Urgent Supply, IOW CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Varenicline, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Chlamydia Treatment, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- EHC, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Take Home Naloxone Kit, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- TCAM, UHS NHS FT | Checklist - Service Spec
- Referrals, Lloyds PDTS | Checklist - Service Spec
- PURM, NHS England (Wessex) | Checklist - Service Spec
- NRT Voucher Supply, IOW Public Health | Checklist - Service Spec
- Minor Ailments, Portsmouth CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Concordance Level 3, Portsmouth CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- Concordance Level 1 & 2, Portsmouth CCG | Checklist - Service Spec
- BBV Testing, IOW Pinnacle | Checklist - Service Spec
- Referrals, SHL | Checklist - Service Spec
- NUMSAS, NHS England | Checklist - Service Spec.docx (decom 2019.10)