ADVANCED WARNING: Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) – arrangements for 2021-22

Written by admin on Friday 28th May 2021

The CPAF screening questionnaire will be available for completion between Monday 28th June 2021 and Friday 24th June 2021. For more information please read on...


The process asks all NHS community pharmacy contractors to complete a short screening questionnaire consisting of 10 active questions which should be answered.

Whilst this part of NHS England and NHS Improvement’s (NHSE&I) contract monitoring process did not run in 2020/21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will run as normal for this financial year and has now become a mandatory requirement for all community pharmacy contractors.

The short version of the CPAF questionnaire will be available on the MYS portal for completion between Monday 28th June and Friday 24th July.

Consistent with previous years, the 2021/22 questionnaire has 10 active questions on how contractors are meeting their contractual obligations. After the completion window closes and responses have been reviewed, NHS Engalnd and NHS Improvement will then select a small number of pharmacies to complete the full CPAF questionnaire and/or receive a monitoring visit.

The screening questionnaire will be run by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) who will send further information to contractors about the process via NHSmail.

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