Anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Thursday 23rd March 2023

Resources available from the National Business Crime Centre (NBCC)

ASB takes many forms and includes a range of nuisance and criminal behaviours which cause distress to others, and it is becoming an increasing issue.

It can also impact the customers of the business and local community because of the price in increased costs of goods, higher insurance premiums and potential loss of investment by businesses in the local area.

The NBCC has produced a range of resources to help businesses understand ASB and what tools are available to help them prevent and combat it.

Assaults on those providing a public service: Retail Worker Safety

In 2022, new legislation was introduces which means people who attack shopworkers now face tougher penalties thanks to new legislation as part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Act.

The provisions make attacking any individual who serves the public an aggravated offence.

Retailers can play their part by reporting incidents, gathering and recording relevant evidence and by working closely with the police to ensure incidents are dealt with appropriately. It is crucial that violent assaults are reported to police and employers are able to provide the evidence to take these cases to court.

If retailers are a victim of crime they are also being encouraged to make an Impact Statement for Business (ISB), which is a written statement, which is intended to provide businesses that have been victims of crime with a voice in the criminal justice process. Where they are considered appropriate, courts can take account of the ISB when deciding what sentence to impose on the offender(s).