Contraception Choices Resources

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 14th October 2022

Useful information to signpost people to who have questions regarding the different choices for contraception

Recent data suggests that more women are asking to have less or no hormones in their contraception.

It is good that people are being more aware of their emotional and mental health, and in turn are aware that hormones can affect their emotions and mood. If someone has had a bad experience with their emotional health while on a contraception with hormones their experience can lead them to express demand for an alternative contraception with less or no hormones.

There are many types of contraception available and patients not wanting to conceive may want to access Resources for Clinicians | Contraception Choices - there are posters and electronic resources that healthcare professionals can use to signpost.

Pharmacists may want to add the following link to their website or signposting list What's right for me? | Contraception Choices.

The below QR code will take patients directly to the Solent Sexual Health Services website - Letstalkaboutit from where they can access all the information above. QR Code.png

lets talk about it banner.jpg