CPPE: Pharmacy technicians: using patient group directions in practice
Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 19th July 2024
For pharmacy technicians
CPPE have a new e-learning programme available:
This e-learning will support pharmacy technicians to develop confidence to work under patient group directions (PGDs). It provides examples of opportunities to use PGDs in practice and uses activities that aim to empower pharmacy technicians to work under PGDs to increase capacity within the healthcare team for person-centred care.
Preparing to provide the local EHC service under a PGD. Any technicians looking to offer the locally commissioned EHC service once the PGD and Service specification have been updated should complete the following CPPE e-learnings:
- CPPE Emergency Hormonal Contraception Emergency
- CPPE Contraception
- CPPE Safeguarding (Children & Adults) Safeguarding (cppe.ac.uk)
- CPPE Emergency Contraception Declaration of Competence Declaration of Competence (cppe.ac.uk)