eRD – Collaboration for success
Written by admin on Wednesday 7th March 2018
Community Pharmacy South Central, in association with Wessex AHSN and NHS Digital, are very pleased to be able to offer delegates, from both community pharmacy and GP practice, the opportunity to come together for a collaborative exploration of how eRD can become a success across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Please book in to one of the 6 events being held across the CPSC area.

We suggest that our attendees should be those who are in a position to influence the implementation and operation of eRD within their premises. With people from both ends of the process actually in the room together, we have the potential to explore everybody’s needs and experiences, and work together to identify your next steps.
There will be a couple of presentations that explore the why, the how, the big picture and best practice. Speakers include Patrick Leppard (CPSC EPS Lead & Community Pharmacist), who has a very detailed knowledge of all things EPS as well as other NHS Digital experts. Table discussions will give you the chance to engage with colleagues from another profession, working in your locality, and each commit to some actions that will help eRD work for you and your patients.
We encourage you to ensure your local colleagues across pharmacy and GP practice have seen this invitation and have booked their places. Please check in with your local GP practices now.
In preparation to attending the eRD events, we suggest looking at a few of the resources available from NHS Digital to boost your knowledge and understanding so that you maximise the benefit of the time spent with your professional partners at the event. The resources are listed on our website in the EPS section of the 'For Professionals' section or click here to link straightaway and include:
- videos
- benefits calculator
- benefits documents
- webinar availability
- best practice tools, guides and eLearning
- free subscription to NHS Digital eRD pharmacy bulletin
The meetings will commence with hot food at 7pm, for a 7:30pm start.
All dates are shown on our CPSC website Events calendar, running from 17th April through to 3rd May 2018
Booking is through Eventbrite.Please use the Eventbrite link button provided on each individual event's date in our calendar.