Flu Champion Training from Pharmacy Complete
Written by admin on Tuesday 7th August 2018
Increase the number of people you vaccinate this year with Flu Champion Training

Local award-winning training company Pharmacy Complete have launched their 2018/19 Flu Champion training for members of the pharmacy team.
As you know, the NHS England Flu Service will be a key deliverable for pharmacy this coming season and important for their sustainability in these difficult times. As your LPC, we know that making any service as straightforward as possible and getting the whole team involved will make a big difference.
This Flu Champion distance-learning workbook provides members of the pharmacy team with the knowledge and confidence to grow your flu service, release pharmacist’s time and make a bigger impact on your community and business.
The training provided was exactly what the team needed to confidently drive forward our flu vaccination campaign most evident in the successful patient engagement and two-fold increase in jabs uptake. Ade Williams, award-winning Bedminster Pharmacy, Bristol
“The workbook came at 8 this morning and I got straight on with it. I thought the booklet was really helpful and will be greatly appreciated by pharmacies across the country for all their staff.” Pharmacy Manager and Health Champion
Having at least one Flu Champion will support greater delivery of this important Advanced Service further demonstrating to NHS England, Commissioners and the public of the difference we make. This training can further develop the role of the Health Champion but can be taken by any member of the pharmacy team. It covers:
- the fundamentals of flu – symptoms, who is at risk, how we can protect against flu
- the national flu service – outline of service, pharmacy requirements, training requirements
- the role of the Flu Champion and how they can help in different aspects of service delivery
- how to approach customers – tips to recruit, providing advice including after the vaccination
- promoting the service to increase numbers
The learning takes about 3-4 hours and a short assessment is through an online multiple-choice questionnaire. Successful candidates receive a certificate to recognise their personal development and can be used within the HLP portfolio to demonstrate team engagement and development.
"having done the flu service last year, it was good to refresh and keep up to date with any new changes, but also there were some things I wasn't aware of too which is great, and I will be reiterating that to our staff here. I also like how the booklet has very handy hints and tips about promotion and advice, so we can get all our staff involved in making it a very successful flu season”. Health Champion
At a price before discount of £20 + VAT + P&P per course, if you were to recruit just a few extra people into the service, then the cost of the training is more than covered.
Click here to purchase.