Have your say: PSNC Pharmacy Pressures Online Survey

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Tuesday 18th January 2022

Survey to gather data on the pressures that everyone working in community pharmacy is under and the impact that this is having on the teams

PSNC is increasingly hearing from pharmacy teams who are struggling to cope with ongoing financial and operational pressures, and who are concerned about the impact that the strain on the sector will ultimately have on patients.  

They continue to raise this with policy-makers, making clear the consequences that their decisions are having. To further support those discussions, they have launched two surveys to gather more data on the pressures that everyone working in community pharmacy is under and the impact that this is having.  

These surveys will give PSNC a snapshot of the scale of the problems and the survey results will be used in ongoing discussions with NHS England & NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). They will also help to continue to make pharmacy’s case in conversations with MPs, Ministers and through the national media.  

The surveys are both as short as possible and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

There are two separate surveys for:

  1. Pharmacy business owners/head office representatives
    This survey covers the pressures being experienced by businesses, looking at the overall running of the pharmacy business including financial and staffing pressures. Please note that only one representative from each pharmacy business should complete this survey – please check before completing the survey.
  1. Pharmacy teams
    This survey covers the day-to-day pressures experienced by pharmacy teams including supply chain issues, patient interactions/experience and staff morale.

Independent contractors or pharmacy owners who also work day-to-day in a pharmacy are encouraged to complete both surveys.