Locally Commissioned Emergency Contraception (EC) Services

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 6th October 2023

Refresher video now available to watch on demand and other resources

The slides from the webinar can be found here:

The recording of the EC refresher video is available here:

Passcode: @R5&YZer

Additional resources

Here are some resources to help pharmacists have the ongoing contraception discussion with patients who accessing the EC service:

The patient leaflet is available as a tear off pad from Organon if you would prefer. 

These resources are for any pharmacist wishing to counsel patients accessing EC to help ask relevant questions that would determine what contraception would be best suited for the patient in the long term.

FAQs from Webinar

I thought if they miss a progesterone only pill by three hours they are at risk, has this been changed?

It’s the same - if they are more than three hours from the time they normally take their pill it’s the same as saying it's 27 hrs since they took their last pill.

What if the patient live outside of your area?

If the patient live outside your council area, you can still provide the service to them

Can they still receive free condoms & contraceptive advice and testing kits posted to addresses in Dorset?

The patient can receive free condoms & contraceptive advice, but would need to access STI testing from Dorset County Council.