The new NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations come into force from Friday 25th May 2023

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 26th May 2023

Including new template forms to use

The following new Terms of Service have been introduced:

  • a notification procedure for introducing or changing rest breaks, by changing core opening hours
  • a requirement to have a business continuity plan dealing with temporary closures and to action it in the event of a temporary closure (suspension) (a terms of service requirement from 31 July 2023)
  • a ‘notification’ procedure for 100-hour pharmacies to reduce their total weekly core opening hours to no less than 72 hours, subject to various requirements
  • provision for a local hours plan to be agreed by the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) with temporarily reduced opening hours for participating pharmacies within the area of the plan
  • other regulatory amendments, including changes to fitness information and the procedures for applying to change core opening hours and notifying changes of supplementary opening hours.

The PSNC briefing containing more details can be accessed here:

New template forms for Core and Supplementary hour changes can be found here: