NHS England Red Tape Challenge
Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 15th November 2024
Get involved

Best practice examples and ideas are now being sought as part of the rapid review into bureaucracy across the NHS, which was launched by the Secretary of State for Health and Care, Wes Streeting, and NHS England Chief Executive, Amanda Pritchard, in October.
The ‘Red Tape Challenge’, which is jointly led by Dr Claire Fuller and Stella Vig, medical directors for Primary Care and Secondary Care at NHS England, builds on and accelerates existing activity to improve the interface between primary and secondary care, such as how referrals are made and managed, patient discharge and how different parts of the health service communicate with each other.
Over the next few weeks NHS England will be talking to a range of stakeholders, from mental health, to community, primary care and hospital teams, to hear what’s working well, what’s working less well and what tangible actions could help improve things.
Colleagues can share their feedback and send examples of good practice to: england.redtapechallenge2024@nhs.net