Pharmacy Contraception Service: Pharmacist Training

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Wednesday 20th March 2024

A summary of the training available to support Pharmacist competence

Competency requirements

Pharmacists must keep documented evidence of competence and must remain up to date with regards to the specific skills and knowledge that are appropriate to their role, and to the aspects of the service they are delivering.

Required training - Safeguarding Level 3 (must do in addition to Level 2)

  • Safeguarding Children and Adults Level 3 for Community Pharmacists - video on e-LfH


Safeguarding Level 3 Learning for Healthcare Safeguarding Children and Young People (SGC) – e-LfH

Recommended training modules

The appropriate clinical skills and knowledge are covered in the following training modules:

  1. CPPE Emergency contraception e-learning including emergency contraception e-assessment
  2. Module 2 Subsections of FSRH Sexual and Reproductive Health e-learning (e-SRH) on elfh:
    • 02_01 Health history and risk assessment
    • 02_02 Confidentiality, chaperones, and consent
  3. CPPE Contraception e-learning including contraception e-assessment


Module 3 subsections – Contraceptive Choices of the FSRH Sexual and Reproductive Health e-learning (e-SRH) on elfh:

  • 03_01: Mechanism of action, effectiveness and UKMEC;
  • 03_02: Choosing contraceptive methods;
  • 03_03: Combined hormonal contraception;
  • 03_04: Progestogen only methods (oral and injectable)  
  • 03_07 Barrier contraceptives
  1. Module 5 subsections of the FSRH e-SRH on elfh:
    • 05_01 Managing bleeding problems in women using contraceptives
    • 05_02 Managing contraceptive side-effects
    • 05_03 Managing side-effects and complications of IUD and IUS
  2. CPPE Sexual health in pharmacies e- learning and e-assessment


Module 9 subsections – STIs of the FSRH e-SRH on elfh:

  • 09_01: Epidemiology and transmission of STIs;
  • 09_02: Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing;
  • 09_03: STI management;
  • 09_04: Partner notification
  1. External Resources module of the Sexual Health (PWP) e-learning on elfh:
    • FSRH - Contraception counselling eLearning
  2. Pharmacists must be familiar with at least one online shared decision-making contraception consultation tool. These tools will be used to support the pharmacist and should be shared with people to support their decision making. Examples are:
    • Contraception Choices
    • Sexwise
    • Brook

Other training:

Accessing FSRH e-SRH on elfh:

If you have trouble accessing the course on e-LfH:

  • Use an NHSmail email address to login (register/ change to an NHSmail if not)
  • Check you have listed ‘pharmacist’ in your employment details as not having this, may also limit access to training
  • Link your CPPE and elfh accounts (you should then be able to access the learning through the CPPE Pharmacy Contraception Service page).

This is done by contacting elfh using the live chat and ask them for their 'User account ID'. Once you have this, you need to log into the CPPE website using this link: Update elfh link and enter the number you were given.