Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) – start of year 5 scheme

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 26th May 2023

Respiratory Domain starts Thursday 1st June

Full details and supporting documents for year 5 PQS can be found on the PQS section of the website:  

A Domain Summary and Training Summary can be found there.

The following elements need to be started on the 1st June:

  • Inhaler waste management
    • You will need to record the total number of conversations with patients.
  • Spacer for patients aged 5-15 yrs*
  • Personal Asthma Action Plan for patients aged 5yrs and over*
  • Patients using 3 or more short acting bronchodilators in 6 months*

*For these you will need to keep a record of the number of patients referred.

You can use PharmOutcomes again this year to make the referral and keep a record (and count).