PharmOutcomes Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 8th March 2024

Advice for Locum Access

How do I set up a Locum pharmacist with access to PharmOutcomes?

The locum should first be set up with a login for PharmOutcomes. This can either be via a site administrator (11. Administration - Creating New Users v1.pdf (

or if this is not possible via the PharmOutcomes support team using the “Contact us” tab. Once the login is issued the locum can use this to complete the MFA process

I use the same email address across multiple accounts e.g. I am a Locum working across multiple sites. Do I need MFA for each username?

You will not need MFA for each username, but you will need to contact the helpdesk to link your accounts to allow you to use the same login credentials across all sites. Please contact us via the Contact Us page.

I have multiple sites linked to my username and password. How will this work?

There was an issue affecting users who access multiple sites linked to the same username and password. A fix for this was deployed on 6th March 2024. Users who have multiple sites linked to the same username and password will now be able to log in without having to authenticate against each site.


Please ensure you have a user account and authenticator set up for any emergency locums that may need to use.