PQS – Healthy Living Support Domain -Weight Management

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Thursday 6th January 2022

Information on Weight Management Services to support delivery of the domain

NHS Digital https://www.england.nhs.uk/digital-weight-management/

The programme offers free, online access to weight management services for those who are:

  • 18 or over
  • Have a BMI greater than 30. The BMI threshold will be lowered to 27.5 for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, as we know people from these ethnic backgrounds are at an increased risk of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes at a lower BMI.
  • Have diabetes, high blood pressure, or both.

The programme is only available to people with a smartphone, tablet or computer with internet access.

NHS Digital Service Leaflet

Hampshire County Council https://www.shapeup4lifehampshire.co.uk/

The programme offers free face to face classes, virtual classes and online support to patients who are:

  • Aged 18+ years with a BMI ≥ 30 (BMI ≥ 28 Minority Ethnic Group or those with specified long-term conditions).
  • Resident in the administrative county of Hampshire or Registered with a Hampshire GP (excluding Southampton and Portsmouth).

Expert nutritionists, dietician and personal trainers provide weekly sessions to support patients make changes to their lifestyle and activity levels. The ShapeUp4Life Hampshire plan comes with unlimited access to free recipes and snack ideas.

ShapeUp4Life Service Leaflet

Portsmouth City Council https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/services/health-and-care/health/weight-loss-and-weight-management/

Let's Bounce Back! - For over 18s with a BMI of 25-35

These are FREE 12-week Healthy Weight programmes comprising of:

  • 12 FREE weekly sessions at a local centre
  • Choice of free activity through bhlive
  • Meet other people on the same journey
  • Learn how to get active to improve lifestyle and health
  • Learn about healthier food choices

For more information and programme dates email wellbeing@portsmouthcc.gov.uk

Pompey FitFans - For those aged 35-65 with a BMI 28+

These are FREE 12-week Fit Fan programmes comprising of:

  • 12 FREE weekly sessions at local football club
  • Meet other football fans on the same journey
  • Learn how to make better choices to improve lifestyle and health
  • Be supported through journey by club staff

For more information and programme dates fitfans@pompeyitc.org.uk

Find out more about the Fit Fan programme and to register visit: https://www.pompeyitc.co.uk/fit-fans/

The Wellbeing Service

The Wellbeing Service offers free support to help quit smoking, drink less alcohol, eat well and move more. It’s available at venues across Portsmouth.

The Service provides both one-to-one and group support to help make healthy changes to lose weight and keep it off. The Wellbeing Workers can provide information and advice about things like portion size, reading food labels and knowing what quantity of different food groups should be eaten each day.

Contact the Wellbeing Service directly. Telephone 023 9229 4001 or email wellbeing@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.

Isle of Wight Council https://www.healthylifestylesiow.co.uk/services/weight-management/

A 12 week weight management service is provided to those who are:

  • Aged 18+
  • A BMI of above 28 or 25 for BAME or have a long term health conditions

The 12 week community based programme is designed to reflect the needs of all participants to promote healthy eating and increase physical activity to achieve a realistic, steady and maintainable weight loss.

Southampton City Council

Detail expected early 2022