Primary Care Networks (PCNs): Briefing for Pharmacy Teams + local CPSC webinar planned to take place

Written by admin on Friday 28th June 2019

This briefing document provides information on supporting primary care networks for pharmacy teams

The briefing can be downloaded directly from the NHS England website and comprises of:

  • Introduction
  • Vision for patients
  • Core characteristics
  • Contractual arrangements
  • Who is involved
  • What will it do
  • Role of the Clinical Director
  • What will clinical pharmacy in PCNs look like
  • What will happen to existing clinical pharmacists
  • Role of CCG medicines management teams
  • Skills & training requirements for clinical pharmacists
  • Filling the pharmacy roles
  • Providing services
  • Engagement

The briefing link for downloading is below:

CPSC Webinar planned for all contractors

Please look out for forthcoming news about a proposed local PCN webinar. Details are still being finalised and will be shared as soon as confirmed

Weekly News updates on PCNs

Primary care networks (PCNs) based on groups of general practices are set to become the “wellbeing hubs” of the future.

It is anticipated that the emerging networks will evolve to provide a range of clinical and non-clinical services with links to community services, the voluntary sector and social care. We’re a long way from that yet, but PCNs now have nominated leaders, funding and the backing of national bodies. If you work in general practice or one of the many organisations that may soon get involved with PCNs, you may be interested in a new weekly newsletter from PCC

  • Issue one is already issued – follow the link to take a look and if you like what you see, sign up to have it emailed to you each week