REMINDER: Health Champion fully funded support from Health Education England and Pharmacy Complete

Written by admin on Friday 5th March 2021

Opportunity for free Health Champion places available for CPSC locality pharmacies


Update: March 2021 

Health Education England have agreed to increase the number of places available to each pharmacy from one to three health champions. This is an excellent opportunity to upskill your team as well as future proof for possible succession or churn within the team.

There are still plenty of places to fill across the South East Region, so it's not too late to book up to three members of your team onto this important FREE funded course.

So far there have been more bookings from the CPSC based pharmacies across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight than the whole of the rest of the South East of England; so well done to those pharmacies that have already secured there places.

The bookings are on a first come first served basis, so if you haven't already done so, please book your required places ASAP.

It's important to remember that since 1st January 2021 this is an essential requirement of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework.

All pharmacies must complete and maintain the HLP requirements.

Further details and booking forms were shared in the following previously published CPSC website news article:

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