Save Our Pharmacies Petition: Sign and Promote to Patients

Written by AlisonFreemantle on Friday 17th March 2023

Created by national pharmacy bodies, to give new focus to calls for fair pharmacy funding in England

The new public petition calls for immediate, fair and sustained funding to safeguard NHS pharmacy services.

The Save Our Pharmacies campaign focuses on highlighting both the pressures that pharmacies are under and the huge untapped potential of the sector – including to offer a Pharmacy First service – if appropriate resourcing is made available.

Members of the public and pharmacy teams are encouraged to show their support for the campaign on social media, as well as signing the petition and contacting their local MP about fair funding.

A window poster is being printed and will be mailed out to all community pharmacies.

The newly launched campaign website contains key messages for public, politicians and stakeholders, and has campaign resources that can be used by pharmacies. 

This campaign is a joint programme of work being coordinated by PSNC, CCA, AIM and the NPA.

‘If at least one person from each of our community pharmacies across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight signs the petition that’s an addition 340 signatures!’