Stop Smoking Service Training event

For Southampton City pharmacies that wish to provide this locally commissioned service

Day: Tuesday 21st January 2020
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Address: Southampton - Southampton City Council, Civic Centre, Southampton SO14 7LY

To be able to deliver this service in your pharmacy you must have attended a Southampton training event in the last 2 years

To attend this event, please complete the necessary application details for your attending 'smoking cessation advisor' by completing the following form:

There are only a limited number of places available, so please book ASAP.

Further information can be found on the following CPSC News article page:

Before attending:

We strongly recommend you complete the core module of the NCSCT online training before attending the face to face training event. This can be found on the following NCSCT website page:

Other necessary training modules can then be completed post event.

There are 15 places available