Primary Care Research Apprenticeship 2024-25
Written by ArturPysz on Thursday 11th July 2024
Opportunity for Pharmacists, applications close 26th July
This is an interesting opportunity for pharmacists who would like to delve deeper into their profession and determine if research is a consideration for them. For more details, please see the information below. For more detail see information below and the document linked.
The Primary Care Research Centre at the University of Southampton, in collaboration with Southern Health Foundation Trust and Solent NHS Trust, is delighted to offer a Primary Care in-Practice Research Apprenticeship Scheme.
Apply by Friday 26th July 2024, providing the following to Professor Miriam Santer and Jo Kelly (Research Operations Manager)
Short CV and covering letter (max 350 words) explaining:
- why you want to apply
- how you think the Primary Care In-Practice Research Apprenticeships will benefit you
- which research area you are most interested in
- if you plan to do the apprenticeship in work hours please include a covering letter from your line manager