NHS Flu Service (Influenza vaccination)
Information and ideas to help you maximise opportunities for providing the NHS Flu Service in your pharmacy
Service Documents 2024
The PGD allows pharmacy technicians to provide flu vaccinations via the flu PGD this coming season for the first time following changes to legislation.
Service Documents 2023
The NHS Service specification can be found here:
Other documents
Training 2023
As dates become available, we will update them here.
Vaccination training for staff:
ECG Training https://ecgtraining.co.uk/product/fullvaccinetraining/?
- 20th August - Southampton 9am - FULLY BOOKED
- 20th August - Southmpton 1.30pm - FULLY BOOKED
There are other dates and venues (not local) available, please check the ECG Training website.
CPSC Flu updates
The 'CPSC Flu updates' drop down boxes below contains documents, communications and additional information; providing information updates and suggested tasks to complete in order to support successful delivery.
Below, is other important flu related information, documents and resources that we have uploaded into the numerous CPSC news articles published:
- The indexes are automatically created in date order (newest at the top)
- Flu Vaccine Flyer QIVe stock.pdf
- Vaccine-update-324-Nov21-flu-special.pdf
- Tally sheets Primary-care-staff-vaccination-tracker.pdf
- NHSE&I Flu A4 Poster.pdf
- NHSEI Flu A3 Poster (002).pdf
- 2122 AW CPFinancial Guidancev1 FINAL.pdf
- Flu vaccinator competency assessment tool.pdf
- InfluenzaProtocol2021_22.pdf
- Patient-Group-Direction-21-22-FINAL.pdf
- 21-22-Service-specification-for-seasonal-flu.pdf
- Eligiblity criteria 2021.docx
- Vaccination Training (flu) & PGD table and prices 2021-22.pdf
- CPSC Flu performance for pharmacies 2021.01.19.pdf
- CPSC Flu Milestone Statement.pdf
- Portsmouth City Council Employee Flu Service Specification 2020.pdf
- Flu vaccinations employees, Portsmouth CC | Checklist - Service Spec.docx
- Isle of Wight Children's Flu service - mop up sessions .pdf
- CPSC Flu performance for pharmacies 2020.09.20.pdf
- Pharmacy Complete Flu vaccination resources.pdf
- COVID-19 vaccine trial - UHS.pdf
- EpiPenĀ® (adrenaline) auto-injector availability update.pdf
- PharmOutcomes User Guide - Get ready for Flu.pdf
- Pharmacy Complete free flu vaccination support resources.pdf
- National flu immunisation programme 2023 to 2024 letter.pdf
- flu-vaccination-A4-poster-2022.pdf
- 20220812InactivatedInfluenzaProtocol_V04.00.pdf
- PGD Inactivated-influenza-vaccine-Patient-Group-Direction-PGD_Ausgust-2022.pdf
- Community-pharmacy-influenza-vaccination Service Specification-22-23.pdf
- Tripartite-annual-flu-letter-2022-to-2023.pdf
- Vaccine-update-324-Nov21-flu-special.pdf
- Flu Letter Sept 2021.pdf
- NHSE&I Flu A4 Poster.pdf
- NHSEI Flu A3 Poster (002).pdf
- 2122 AW CPFinancial Guidancev1 FINAL.pdf
- Flu vaccinator competency assessment tool.pdf
- InfluenzaProtocol2021_22.pdf
- Patient-Group-Direction-21-22-FINAL.pdf
- 21-22-Service-specification-for-seasonal-flu.pdf
- 1st July COVID-19 Vaccination Autumn Winter Phase 3 planning letter.pdf
- Vaccine ordering for 2021-22 influenza season 2021.04 (update).pdf
Archive CPSC Flu information
- flu-vaccination-A4-poster-2022.pdf
- 20220812InactivatedInfluenzaProtocol_V04.00.pdf
- PGD Inactivated-influenza-vaccine-Patient-Group-Direction-PGD_Ausgust-2022.pdf
- Community-pharmacy-influenza-vaccination Service Specification-22-23.pdf
- Autumn-booster-and-flu-vaccine-programme-expansion.pdf
- 2022-2023 flu vaccines.pdf
- Vaccine-update-325-April-2022-flu-special.pdf
- 50-64 yrs cohort by ODS code.xlsx
- Reimbursable vaccines and eligible cohorts for the 2022-23 NHS Flu Vaccination Programme _March 2022.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 14.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 13.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 12.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 11.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 10.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 09.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 08.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 07.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 06.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 05.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 04.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 03.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 02.pdf
- Flu comms 2021 - 01.pdf
- Flu Evaluation - Hampshire & Isle of Wight FINAL v1.0.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 15.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 14.pdf
- Portsmouth Flu Service Contract 2020.pdf
- DHSC guidance on accessing DHSC centrally supplied flu vaccines v2 2020.11.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 13 (Postcard 11).pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 12 (Postcard 10).pdf
- DHSC guidance on accessing DHSC centrally supplied flu vaccines v1 2020.10.pdf
- Public Health England Mandatory Flu Campaign 2020 - Tally Sheet.pdf
- Public Health England Vaccine Update 312 - Flu special 2020.10.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 11 (Postcard 9).pdf
- Flu poster - Why am I asked to wait? (Public Health England).pdf
- Care home staff flu letter.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 10 (Postcard 8).pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 09 (Postcard 7).pdf
- Flu vaccination poster 2020-21 (Public Health England).pdf
- Hampshire & Isle of Wight Flu Resource Guide 2020-21.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 08 (Postcard 6).pdf
- Eligible groups for NHS Flu Vaccination 2020/21.pdf
- NHS Flu Vaccination Patient Record Form 2020/21.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 07 (Postcard 5).pdf
- Seasonal Flu Service Specification 2020-21.pdf
- Influenza Pharmacy Vaccination PGD 2020 v7.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 06 (Postcard 4).pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 05 (Postcard 3).pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 04 (Postcard 2).pdf
- 2nd Annual Flu letter 2020-21.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 03 (Postcard 1).pdf
- Mass vaccination during COVID-19 guidance (RCGP) v15.pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 02.pdf
- PSNC Briefing 023.20 Early guidance on the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service 2020-21.pdf
- NMS & Flu Services 2019-20 letter to contractors (Template).pdf
- Flu comms 2020 - 01.pdf
- PSNC News Alert - Annual Flu letter 2020-21.pdf
- Annual Flu letter 2020-21.pdf
- Vaccine ordering for 2020-21 influenza season 2019.12.pdf
- Wessex GP's and LPC Pharmacies Flu letter 2019.10.pdf
- PSNC Flu News Alert.pdf
- PSNC News Alert - Flu Vaccination Service.pdf
- Flu - PharmData 2018.xlsx
- PHE Influenza ovalbumin content table 2019-20.pdf
- Flu vaccine information and availability for 2019 to 2020.pdf
- Publication of PHE reports on the 2018-19 Flu season.pdf
- Flu vaccine gave significant protection to older adults last winter.pdf
- MASTA announcement - Vaccine supply 2019.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 654.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref DC 2019.03.pdf
- Annual Flu letter 2019-20.pdf
- Update on vaccines for 2019-20 seasonal flu vaccination programme 2019.01.pdf
- Vaccine ordering for 2019-20 influenza season 2018.11.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 17.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 16.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 15.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 14.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 13.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 12.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 11.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 10.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 09.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 08.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 07.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 06.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 05.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 04.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 03.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 02.pdf
- Flu comms 2018 - 01.pdf
- PSNC News Alert - Flu stock survey.pdf
- PGD addendum published for the community pharmacy Flu Vaccination Service.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 464.pdf
- NHS England - aTIV actions for pharmacy 2018.10.pdf
- Help Us Help You - Pharmacy user guide.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 461.pdf
- Gateway ref 08443 180924 aTIV Local actions Final.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 447.pdf
- PSNC Briefing 050.18 Flu Vaccination Service 2018-19 appropriate use of flu vaccines aTIV and QIV.pdf
- PSNC Briefing 050.18 Flu Vaccination Service 2018-19 aTIV.pdf
- PSNC Briefing 041.18 Changes to the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service 2018-19.pdf
- New flu vaccine available this winter for those aged 65 and over - GOV.UK.pdf
- Extension of NHS seasonal influenza vaccination.pdf
- Template email - Umbrella local care provider support organisations.docx
- Template email - Local charity support groups.docx
- Carers leaflet about managing medicines.doc
- Carers leaflet about pharmacy services.doc
- Carers & Flu poster.pdf
- Influenza Pharmacy Service PGD 2018 v5.pdf
- Seasonal Flu Service Specification 2018-19 (Aug).pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 429.pdf
- Flu Vaccination Performance infographic 2015-2018.pdf
- Flu programme delivery guidance 2018-19 (NHS England).pdf
- Flu vaccinations for 2018 and planning flu clinics (NHS England).pdf
- Flu vaccines for use in 2018-19 season.pdf
- Important information - CPPE Vaccination Services and DoC.pdf
- Flu statement from LPC & LMC 2018.07.pdf
- NPA PGD 2018 - Hampshire & Isle of Wight LPC.xlsx
- Flu Vaccs Training Invitation Letter 2018.pdf
- Flu Vaccs Training Flyer 2018.pdf
- Expressions of interest for NPA training of Flu immunisation 2018.xlsx
- Carers week 2018 Caring Brochure.pdf
- Carers Week 2018 Every Day I am a Carer poster.pdf
- PSNC Briefing 018.18 Flu Vaccination Service 2018-19 important update for contractors.pdf
- NHS England Flu Q&A - aTIV staged delivery.pdf
- Annual Flu letter 2018-19.pdf
- Vaccine ordering for 2018-19 influenza season.pdf
- NHS England Flu vaccine 2018-19 interim letter 2018.01.pdf
- NHS England - South (Wessex) - Ref 529.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 15.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 14.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 13.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 12.pdf
- Annual Flu plan 2017-18.pdf
- Annual Flu letter 2017-18.pdf
- Seasonal Flu Service Specification 2017-18 with added cohort (Nov).pdf
- Seasonal Flu Service Specification 2017-18 (Aug).pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 11.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 10.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 9.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 8.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 7.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 6.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 5.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 4.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 3.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 2.pdf
- Flu comms 2017 - 1.pdf
- Protocol for Flu Vaccinations in care homes by community pharmacies 2018.01.pdf
- Letter to Pharmacist - Protocol care homes approved.pdf
- NHS Wessex Flu data 2017.12 YTD.xlsx
- NHS Wessex Flu data (2017 v 2016) 2017.10 YTD.png
- Flu vaccination A5 booklet.pdf
- NHS England South (Wessex) update - Ref PH280.pdf
- Stay Well This Winter Pharmacy Briefing 2017.pdf
- Radio Advert campaign soundbite.mp3
- PharmOutcomes guide for new user name and password.pdf
- NHS England South (Wessex) update - Ref PH253.pdf
- Wessex Top 5% flu providers 2016.pdf
- NPA PGD Services registration-enrolment form - Dorset-Hampshire-IOW LPC 17-18.xlsx
- Flu Vaccs Training Invitation Letter 2017.pdf
- Flu Vaccs Training Flyer 2017.pdf
- Carers Week Flu poster 2017.pdf